With great & continuous support by our valued customers in Decades of years, change in constitution occurred & we are now known as VARUN TECHNOLOGIES. We are in business of Mettler Toledo weighing solutions like different ranges and different Types of weighing scales ,truck scales, crane scales ,hazardous area scales ,material dispensing systems, online weighing systems etc.
Anest Iwata Lubricating and Oil free reciprocating Air compressors, silent scroll air compressors, screw compressors, claw oil free air compressors, vacuum pumps, Air dryers and, filters etc.
Moniba make chemical and process pumps with different materials of constructions like PP, PVDF, SS and Aluminium pumps in different Types like centrifugal Pumps, Air operated double diaphragm pumps, peristaltic hose pumps.
Our products and services are accepted globally due to the quality OEM Specification, Dimensions, reliability & guarantee which saves loss of productions & down time of unit. Varun Technologies itself in focusing on the needs of the client, by creating different business verticals to handle projects, engineered solutions, sales & service and manufacturing. The technically competent & committed team of professionals addresses the requirement of the clients to the minutest detail and offer technically superior and cost effective solutions. The organization has a track record of completing all their contracts within the stipulated time frames and to the quality requirements of their clients.
Quality policy
We are constantly seeking new ways in which its products and services can be improved and enhanced in quality to ensure the continuance of complete customer satisfaction. Our numerous prestigious contracts and continuously growing client list are testament to its performance in attaining its goals.